Funny Puzzles and Riddles is a unique and exclusive section of GPuzzles.Com. Why not have a laugh while reading and solving the puzzles? Why not solve the puzzles for entirely fun? In this section of Funny Puzzles and Riddles, you will mostly find those puzzles which can be used to ask from your friends and have a good laugh together when you reveal the answers to them. When we can have poor jokes to entertain us, why not some poor puzzles too.

#11 - Spell 80 Two Letters Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you spell 80 in two letters?

category : HUMOUR

#12 - Strong Saturday Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Why is Saturday stronger than Monday?

category : HUMOUR

#13 - Clean Ocean Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Who keeps the ocean neat and clean?

category : HUMOUR

#14 - 10+10 = 11+11 Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

10+10 and 11+11 can give you the same answer.

Explain how?

category : HUMOUR | TRICK

#15 - Astronaut's favorite key on keyboard riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What is an astronaut's favorite key on a computer keyboard?

category : HUMOUR

#16 - Elena 30m Ladder Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Elena was standing on a 30m ladder. She slipped from the ladder and fell on the ground but she was not injured.

How come?

category : HUMOUR | TRICK

#17 - Stupid Bee Holder Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

If I am holding a bee, What do I have in my eye?

category : HUMOUR

#18 - Funny Circus Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which circus performers can see in the dark?
category : HUMOUR

#19 - Like Chimpanzee Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What looks like Chimpanzee but is not a Chimpanzee?

category : HUMOUR

#20 - Stupid Flowers Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which flowers do you smell under your nose?

category : HUMOUR

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