#91 - The Girl Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You see a beautiful girl sitting. You can't sit on her place even if she standup and the leave the place.

Where is she sitting?

category : LOGIC | TRICK

#92 - 1/2 of 5 = 4 Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you prove that half of number 5 is equal to 4?

#93 - QuickFire Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

What melts in a freezer?
category : TRICK

#94 - Calling 2 As 10 Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

When do we call "10" while looking at number "2"?

#95 - Married UnMarried Looking Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Terry Is looking at Millie
Millie is looking Stones
Terry is married while Stones is not.

So Is married person looking at an unmarried person?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Need more information.

category : LOGIC | TRICK

#96 - Tricky Visual Equation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve below tricky maths equation and found the value of cup?

#97 - Eden Hazard And The Two Masked People Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Eden Hazard the famous Chelsea footballer leave home and then he makes three left turns and returns home where he found 2 people wearing the mask.

Can you Identify the two masked people?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#98 - Captain Jack Sparrow Ship Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Captain Jack Sparrow is the captain of this famous ship.
The captain of this famous ship is Captain Jack Sparrow.
The Captain Jack Sparrow is best pirate captain known.
What is the name of the Captain Jack Sparrow ship.

Confused ???

So what is the name of the ship?

category : LOGIC | TRICK

#99 - New Answer Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There is a puzzle which can be asked all day with a different correct answer each time. What is the puzzle ?
category : TRICK

#100 - Make Number 7 Even Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Without the use of any mathematical operators like addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, can you make the number '7' even ?

category : TRICK

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