#191 - Complicated Riddle

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Triplets(Neha , Bandini & shivani) were born in August but their birthday is in December.
how come ?
category : HUMOUR | TRICK

#192 - Trick Teaser Problem

Difficulty Popularity

According to famous saying "Two's company, and three's a crowd "

then whats four and five ?

#193 - Dirt Hole Tricky Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

How many cubic meters of dirt are in a hole of 20 meter long and 30 meter wide.

#194 - Trick Missing Pound Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I am a book lover and i saw a book for Pound 97.
I am short of money , so i borrowed Pound 50 from my sister and 50 from my brother = Pound 100.
I bought the book, and had Pound 3 change. I gave brother Pound 1 and my sister Pound 1 and kept the other Pound 1 for myself. Now I owe my mum Pound 49 and my brother Pound 49. 49+49 = 98 + my Pound 1 = 99.

Where is the missing Pound ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#195 - Tricky Math Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What do you get if you add 3 to 300 five times?

#196 - One Line Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A man drove to a hotel and as soon as he got there he was bankrupt. Explain.

#197 - Tricky Relation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

That attorney is my brother, testified the accountant.
But the attorney testified he didn't have a brother.

Who is lying?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#198 - Teaser Maths Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#199 - Draw To Complete Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

After teaching his class all about roman numerals (X = 10, IX=9 and so on) the teacher asked his class to draw a single continuous line and turn IX into 6. The only stipulation the teacher made was that the pen could not be lifted from the paper until the line was complete.

#200 - Death Mystery Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Two men are in a desert. They both have packs on. One of the guys is dead. The guy who is alive has his pack open, the guy who is dead has his pack closed.

What is in the pack?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

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