#251 - White Of An Egg Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Do you know how to spell 'white of an egg' in one word?
I am assuming you know how to spell joke, poke and coke.
category : TRICK

#252 - Christmas & New Year Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

We know that there is exactly a one-week gap between Christmas and New Year. Therefore, It is quite clear that new year, which occurs right after Christmas day occurs on the same day of the week.

A Strange thing happened in Year 2028. Christmas occurs on Monday and New Year on Saturday. How's that possible?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#253 - Famous 99 Higher Than 100 Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

When 99 is considered higher than 100?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#254 - Running Rabbit Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you define up to which point the fastest running rabbit can run into a given garden?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#255 - Popular Wall Facing North Direction Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In a general aptitude test, you come across the following question:
How will you build a house which has all its walls facing the north direction?

It's a crucial question that you must answer to get through. Can you?
category : TRICK | TRIVIA

#256 - Ship Captain's Eye Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You are the captain of a ship. While your ship is sailing, you are struck by a storm and it becomes difficult for you to handle your ship. After an hour of struggle, 15 passengers are swept away by the waves. 15 minutes further into the storm, 10 more people are swept away by the waves. You send the lifeboats down and 4 of them are able to climb the rescue boats. The next wave hits the ship hard and 12 passengers fall off the ship.

Now, can you tell the color of eyes of the ship captain?

category : LOGIC | TRICK

#257 - Answer Fast Maths Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Dean Winchester has got a long wooden stock of size 60 feet, he need to cut small stock of size 1 feet long using his axe.
He takes 5 minutes to cut one small stock (1 feet), how long will he take to make 60 such small stocks?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#258 - Count The Queue Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Rohini is standing in a queue in which her position is 21st from either end of the queue.
Can you calculate how many people are standing in the queue?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#259 - Color Of Stairs Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

I live in a one story house made up of red brick. My house is the location near the equator. My house is in England.

What is the color of my stairs?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#260 - Tricky Quick Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I bought a brand new car and decided to visit my friend on the very next day. It took me an hour and a half to reach his place. I decided to call it a day and return back to my house at night. I was surprised that I was able to reach back home in just 90 minutes despite the fact that I drove at the same speed.

How can this be possible?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

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