#321 - Algebra Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Take number 1000 and then add 20 to it.
Now add 1000 one more time.
Now add 30.
Now add 1000 one more time.
Now add 40.
Now add 1000 one more time.
Now add 10.

What is the total?

#322 - Its a Tricky Logic Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

1 = 6
2 = 12
3 = 18
4 = 24
5 = 30

Then 6 = ?

Hint: Its a logic Riddle not a mathematical riddle

#323 - Equation Problem

Difficulty Popularity

BAT = 58
HAT = 52
CAT = 57

whats RAT = ?
category : TRICK | EQUATION

#324 - Short Mind Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Megah tied her dog to a twelve feet rope and went to the shopping mall.
There is some food at approx thirty feet away from the dog.
When she came back from the shopping , dog has eaten all the food.

How is this possible ?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#325 - One Line Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Yesterday , I jump from the 30th floor building and now i am writting this puzzle.

How could i survive ?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#326 - Nice Thinking Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A large bus is crossing a bridge 100 kilometers long. The bridge can only hold 1000kg, which is the exact weight of the bus. The bus makes it half way across the bridge and stops. A bird lands on the bus.

Does the bridge collapse ?
Give a reason ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#327 - Cute Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A kind hearted person Mr. Rawat buy packed food at 3$/packet from United states and sells them at 1$/packet at Africa.After some time he becomes a millionaire.

How come the guy become millionaire ?

#328 - Cycle Race Statement Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

If in a car race, the man who came two places in front of the last man finished one ahead of the man who came fifth, how many contestants were there?

#329 - Logical Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I know a way(correct) by which
adding 4 to 10 will give 2 ?

#330 - What Odd Number Am I

Difficulty Popularity

I am an odd number; take away an alphabet and I become even. What number am I?

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