#31 - Stupid Interview RIDDLE

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How can you drop a raw egg from a height onto a concrete floor without cracking it?

#32 - Classic Pigeonhole Principle Puzzle

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You were hanging out in the New York City when a man in suit approached you. He said that he was ready to bet a hundred bucks to the fact that there are at least two people (excluding the bald people) in the City with same number of hairs.

Seeking the impossibility of the case, you thought of accepting the bet.

After the discussion of two minutes, you realized that you had lost the bet.

What did he say to prove his point?

#33 - Lateral Thinking Logic Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Michael buys a new car. He is habitual of eating either donut or brownie while going to office. Whenever he stops to buy brownie, he don't face any problem with respect to his car but whenever he stops to buy donut, the car starts giving trouble. This is seen as a coincidence by him at first but when the same problem persists, he drives in the company showroom and tells his bizarre problem to them. The mechanic checks the car but find no problem at all.

On the next day, when he stops to buy donut again, he faces the same problem with the car. He drives into the showroom again but the mechanic finds no problem at all. The next day goes by fine as he stops by to buy a brownie. But on the following day, when he stops by to buy a donut, the car gives trouble again.

Can you find the possible reason behind this problem?

#34 - Tricky Logic Maths Problem

Difficulty Popularity

You are a landscape artist. While redesigning the exterior, the owner of the mansion comes up with an unusual request. He tells you that he wants four trees planted outside his house in a manner that there should be exactly equal distance between all of them.

How will you do it?

#35 - Civil Service Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

A girl candidate went for an interview. While being asked some aptitude questions, she was suddenly asked by the interviewer, 'What if you wake up one morning only to find out that you are pregnant?'

She was shocked to hear the question and could not reply. Do you think she could have come up with a smart answer?

#36 - FAQ Manhole Shapes Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

The manhole covers in Baker Street usually fell inside. However the covers never fell down in Crawford Street.


#37 - Trivia Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Prashant holidaying abroad fell off a yacht into deep water. He could not swim and he was not wearing anything to keep him afloat. It took 30 minutes for the people on the yacht to realize someone was missing. The missing man was rescued two hours later.

Why didn't he drown?

#38 - Logical Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I know a way(correct) by which
adding 4 to 10 will give 2 ?

#39 - Civil Service Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What happened when wheel was invented?

#40 - Nice Stupid Riddle

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If it took twelve men eighteen hours to build a wall, how long would it take nine men to build it?

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