#11 - Tricky Equation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

By using only ome straight line , can you make the equation correct.
5+5+5=550 ?


Difficulty Popularity

If you had five mango and two bananas in one hand and two mango and four bananas in the other hand.

what would you have?

#13 - IAS Tricky Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

How can a man go eight days without sleep ?

#14 - One Line Funny Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you tell us in which is "Bay of Bengal" ?

#15 - I had 4 eggs Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

If I had 4 eggs
A thief gives me 3
My farm rooster lays 5 eggs
How many eggs do I have?

#16 - Spot the mistake Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you identify the mistake in the picture below?

#17 - Indiana Jones 4 Door Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Indiana Jones a famous treasure hunter was stuck at a cave with four doors.
Door-1: Filled with ice and anyone who enters the gate will be frozen to death in seconds.
Door-2: Two hungry sharks waiting for the prey
Door-3: Filled with the world's most poisonous gas.
Door-4: Filled with amplified glasses that magnify the power of the sun by 100 times and anyone who enters will be burnt in seconds.

How can Indiana Jones escape?

#18 - 3 Cup 10 Sugar - Edward de Bono lateral thinking Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In 1967 Edward de Bono brings a creative approach where we need to use more reasoning and should think out of the box to solve problems as e traditional step by step approach is not good enough for some problems.

A classic such puzzle is :
As shown in the picture, there are three empty cups. Can you pour 10 sugar lumps on them so that every cup contains an odd number of sugar lumps?

#19 - Hard Maths Cryptic Picture

Difficulty Popularity

Based on the picture below, what is the value of xxx =?

#20 - Hard IPS Number Sequence

Difficulty Popularity

You need to pick any number from '1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15' to make below equation true.
( ) + ( ) + ( ) = 30

Can you solve it ?

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