Are you tired of receiving all sort of mathematics puzzles whenever you search for puzzles and riddles? If so, this section of Logic Puzzles and Riddles has been framed by us just for the people like you. You can feast your brains with the following which requires you to simply use your mind in the logical way. Go cerebral with the collection of Logic Puzzles and Riddles that has been brought to you by GPuzzles.Com.

#171 - Fenced Horses Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

As shown in the image, the nine horses are square fenced. By constructing just two square fences can you make sure that two horses cannot meet each other without crossing the fence?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#172 - Rashid' s Buffaloes And His Son Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Rashid, father of 9 sons got 81 buffaloes labeled as 1,2,3,4..... 81. The beauty of the label is such that the buffalo with label-1 gives 1-liter of milk, buffalo with label-2 gives 2-liters of milk..... Buffalo with label 81 gives 81-liters of milk, Rashid wants to distribute his 81 buffaloes among all his sons such that each of them gets the same number of buffaloes and the same quantity of milk.

Can you help him?

category : LOGIC

#173 - Alibaba 40 Thieves Logical Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Alibaba was running from 40 thieves. Alibaba has got 3 gold boxes which weigh as 4kg, 2kg, and 1kg respectively. A witty man asked Alibaba to stay with him for seven days in exchange for 1kg gold per day. Alibaba needs to stay there for seven days and also do not want to give the witty man any advance.

How can Alibaba pay in his seven days stay?

category : LOGIC

#174 - Which Tank Will Fill First Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Famous tank fill brainteaser is shown in the picture below. Can you tell us which tank will fill first?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#175 - The Better Proposal Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A 12-year footballer Lavy was offered a contract with a club name "Flyball" that if he will practice 1 hour extra after school he will be offered 11$ after every week.
Lavy, however, suggested an alternative paid method in which
He will be paid just a penny on his first day.
Two pence will be paid on the second day,
Four pence will be paid on the third day.
And so on till 11th day.

Should the club accept the offer of Lavy?

category : LOGIC | MATHS

#176 - Eden Hazard And The Two Masked People Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Eden Hazard the famous Chelsea footballer leave home and then he makes three left turns and returns home where he found 2 people wearing the mask.

Can you Identify the two masked people?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#177 - The Italian Job Break The Code Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Charlie Croker and his team need to break the safe to finish a secret job named "Italian Job" in exactly a five minutes.
They got just one chance and five minutes to finish the job else the local police will be informed.

He got following clues

1st Clue: Exactly one number is perfectly placed.
9 2 5

2nd clue: Everything is incorrect.
9 3 8

3rd clue: Two numbers are part of the code of the safe, but are wrongly placed.
4 9 6

4th clue: One number is part of the code of the safe, but is wrongly placed.
5 8 1

5th clue: One number is part of the code of the safe, but is wrongly placed.
1 2 6

category : LOGIC | CIPHER

#178 - Captain Jack Sparrow Ship Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Captain Jack Sparrow is the captain of this famous ship.
The captain of this famous ship is Captain Jack Sparrow.
The Captain Jack Sparrow is best pirate captain known.
What is the name of the Captain Jack Sparrow ship.

Confused ???

So what is the name of the ship?

category : LOGIC | TRICK

#179 - Proffessor meit Word Pattern Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

There is a common word pattern in the below words. Can you find it?

3. YAM
5. EAR
6. ONE
category : LOGIC | WHAT AM I

#180 - Quick Fire Criminal Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Alex, a famous criminal is standing at 9 positions from both ends of the row. How many criminals were standing in total?

category : LOGIC | TRICK

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