Are you tired of receiving all sort of mathematics puzzles whenever you search for puzzles and riddles? If so, this section of Logic Puzzles and Riddles has been framed by us just for the people like you. You can feast your brains with the following which requires you to simply use your mind in the logical way. Go cerebral with the collection of Logic Puzzles and Riddles that has been brought to you by GPuzzles.Com.

#281 - what will come in place of the question mark

Difficulty Popularity

1 3 5
2 4 ?

Do you know what will come in place of ?

We must tell you that its not 6.
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#282 - Which Coins Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Nalini had six coins in the pocket of her jeans. It was a sum of Rs. 1.15.

When she was asked by a shopkeeper for change, she was unable to give change for a rupee and five paisa.

Which coins did she have?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#283 - Missing Bus Passengers Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A tunnel approaches on the route of a bus loaded with people. The tunnel is pitch black and when the bus exits from the other end; no single person is present in the bus.

How can this be possible?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#284 - Measure Water Supply Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

You had an infinite supply of water and a 5 ml and 3 ml gallons.

How would you measure exactly 4 ml in least number of steps ?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

#285 - What question did I ask

Difficulty Popularity

I went out to a popular tourist destination one morning. I spent the entire day there asking the same question to everyone I came across. Though I met around 1000 people, everybody had a different answer to the question.

What question did I ask?
category : LOGIC

#286 - Relationship Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

On a sunny day, two fathers and two sons decided to go fishing. After an hour, each one of them was able to catch 1 fish. Then, they returned home and placed all the three fishes in a vessel.

How come they had only three fishes in total?
PS: No fish was lost or eaten by them.
category : LOGIC

#287 - Sports Cricket Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Shihar Dhawan and Virat Kohli were batting on 94.
Seven runs were required to win by the team and only three balls were left.

At the end, both of them secured a century without being out.

How can this be feasible?
category : LOGIC

#288 - Who Gets Off At Which Floor

Difficulty Popularity

Six people go into a shopping mall through the lift from the underground parking. The shopping mall has 6 floors and each one of them has to go to a different floor which is why the lift stops at all the floors with someone getting out.
Lee rides for the longest among the six. Mia gets off the lift before David but after Mistie. Paul gets out before everyone. Christy gets off before Mistie who gets off at the third floor.

Can you find out who gets off at which floor ?
category : LOGIC

#289 - Crack the code Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A man desired to get into his work building, however he had forgotten his code.
However, he did recollect five pieces of information
-> Sum of 5th number and 3rd number is 14.
-> Difference of 4th and 2nd number is 1.
-> The 1st number is one less than twice the 2nd number.
->The 2nd number and the 3rd number equals 10.
->The sum of all digits is 30.

Crack the code ?

#290 - Pizza Cost Math Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Jasmine, Thibault, and Noah were having a night out and decided to order a pizza for $10. It turned out that Jasmine and Thibault were hungrier than Noah. They both ate 6 slices a piece, and Noah got to eat just 2 slices.

Now they want to do a fair split of money. The problem is that none of them have coins with them. Thus, they want to round off the cost to nearest dollar.

What will be the correct way to do it?

What if the pizza's cost was $11?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

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