#21 - Popular Tricky Picture Death Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

AS you can see the picture, all you have to do is analyze it and tell who all from the pictured people will die if the person at E pushes the round object to the slide on the slope. Keep in mind all the physics and the terrain while you analyze the things.

#22 - Science Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A man is trapped on a frozen lake in an isolated region. The frozen surface is frictionless and no grip of any kind can be attained over it. He just has a mobile phone in his pocket but when he takes it out to call for help, he finds out that there is no reception.

There is no wind force that may help him in escaping. What will he do to escape the lake and save himself from freezing to death?
category : SCIENCE

#23 - Magnet Science Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You are given two metal rods and then taken into a room. You are left there to identify which one of the metal rods you have is a magnet. Now you have no other metal object in the room with you. Also, the two rods are exactly similar to each other in looks.

What method will you use to determine which one of the rods is actually a magnet ?
category : SCIENCE

#24 - Science Riddle For Student

Difficulty Popularity

You are given a ball and you are asked to throw it as hard as you can but it must return back to you. It is an open ground and you can't find any wall or object in your vicinity. There is no one around to catch your ball and throw it back to you. Also, you can't attach any string or rope with the ball.

How will you achieve it then?
category : SCIENCE

#25 - Best Rotating Wheel Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

One or Two ?

Note: The gears in contact will be going to rotate in the opposite direction.

category : SCIENCE | PICTURE

#26 - Short Geography FAQ Question

Difficulty Popularity

There is a place on earth where the wind blows north and then suddenly towards the south. It happens all the time.

Do you know where this place is?

#27 - Physics Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

On a boat, there is a 15 inch brick of gold and a 15 inch brick of iron. If both of them are dropped into the water, which one of them will make the water level higher?
category : SCIENCE

#28 - Good Science Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Suppose there are two cogwheels in a box. The bigger wheel has twenty four teeth while the smaller one has eight. The bigger one is firmly attached on the center of the box (so it can’t turn or move) and the smaller one rotates around it.

Can you tell the number of times it will turn around the big one when comparing with the box when it turns once?
category : LOGIC | SCIENCE

#29 - Science Mystery Rebus Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Pedro Rodrigues killed Density x Volume.

Who is Pedro Rodrigues ?
category : SCIENCE | REBUS

#30 - Famous Science Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Assume a situation. There is an earthquake which is one point higher on the Richter scale than another earthquake which is ten times powerful. Now how much powerful do you think the earthquake will be if it was just 1/2 a point higher on the Richter scale?

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