#11 - Famous Story Riddles From History

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Once upon a time, Emperor Akbar was the ruler of India. In his court, he had the much talked about Nine Gems out of which, one was Birbal, particularly known for his quick wit and intelligence.

The word of mouth spread faster than a fire in the forest and a distant king felt the eagerness to meet Birbal. He sent an invitation for Birbal to come and visit his country.

When Birbal arrived to his kingdom, he was welcomed and was escorted to the palace. Inside the palace, he found out that there were six kings sitting in front of him. Each of them were a lookalike with same robes.

But who was the king? He got his answer very soon and then approached him to bow in front of him.

How did Birbal find out who the real king was?

#12 - Liar and truth teller riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Adam tells that Brian always lies.
Brian says that Cody always lies.
Cody says that Adam as well as Brian always lies.

Now we tell you that only one of them speaks the truth. Can you find out who is the one who speaks it?
category : LOGIC | SITUATION

#13 - Smart Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A man wronged the king and thus he was put under a trial for murder. But the king knew that the person was innocent. Also he was suspicious that his innocence will soon come out among the people. Thus, he decided to play a game of chance on the name of their almighty god.

He summoned all the people along with the accused person. He put in two chits of paper inside a bowl. He told the people that one chit has ‘Guilty’ written over it and the other one has ‘Innocent’ written over it. He tells the people that the god will decide if the accused person is culprit or not. He then asks the person to draw a chit.

Obviously, the king is cheating and he has written ‘Guilty’ over both the chits. So no matter what chit the person picks, everybody will believe that it is lord's judgment and no one will bother to look at the other chit. Even the accused person knows it that the king had played a full proof game.

What should he do in order to be conceived as an innocent person?

#14 - Maths IES Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A thief is running after stealing two gold bars from an ancient and sacred temple. The villagers see him running and runs after him. While running, he comes across a rope bridge. There is a warning board on the start of the bridge stating that the rope can only accommodate a weight of 130 pounds.

Now the thief weighs 100 pounds and the gold bars weigh 20 pounds each. But ignoring the warning he just crosses the bridge with both gold bars. He manages to cross safely. How?

#15 - Brain Teasing Statement Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A cruel dictator is fond of killing people without any reason. One day he catches a man and tells him that he must make a statement before being killed. If the dictator says that the statement is true, then he will be stabbed to death. If the dictator says that the statement is false, he will be burned alive.

What statement should that person make in order to survive?

#16 - Smartest Phone Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Armed robbers invaded a bank. They were busy looting when suddenly a phone rang. The phone happened to be at the reception. One of the robber asked the receptionist to attend the call and talk without giving away the situation. The call happen to be from her mother. She spoke, 'Do you have any emergency mom? Can you give me a call when I get home, I could really use your help in buying new curtains?' Then she hangs up.

The robbers are busy when the police arrives suddenly along with the mother of the receptionist. How did she know about the robbery?

#17 - Statements Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

James went to Germany for spending his holidays. While roaming around, he felt an urge to use the restroom. He walked into a store. There were two restrooms and sadly he could not read or understand German and thus could not identify which one was for males. There was a person who could understand English but could not speak English.

What two questions should James ask that person to know which rest room is for males ?

#18 - Akbar Birbal Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Akbar summoned Birbal out of anger. He told him that he will have to face death. He asked him to make a statement and if the statement is true he will be buried alive and if the statement is false, he will be thrown at lions. After hearing Birbal’s statement, Akbar could do nothing but smile. He gave him 5 gold bars and let him go.

What did Birbal say?

#19 - Escape Death Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Pankaj was caught killing his friend saurav. The judge give him a real strange punishment.
He order him to sentenced to death but he can choose his own way to die.

What way of death pankaj must choose ?
category : TRICK | SITUATION

#20 - Colditz Pascal Prison Escape Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Two world's famous prisoners 'Colditz' and 'Pascal' are locked in a cell.
They plan to escape from the cell.
They noticed there is an open window at 40 feet above the ground level.
Both of them tried very hard but are never able to reach there.

Then both of them decided to plan to escape by a tunnel and they start digging out.
After digging for just 5 days, Colditz and Pascal comes out with the much more easier plan than tunneling and they escaped.

what was the plan ?
category : LOGIC | SITUATION

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