#21 - Math Distance Logic Puzzle

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Two twins sisters Sita and Geeta were standing back to back and suddenly they started running in opposite direction for 4 miles and then turn to left and run for another 3 miles.

what is the distance between the the two twins when they stop ?

#22 - Donald Duck Math Puzzle

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Donald duck can can swim his pool downstream(with the pool current helping time) in exact 40 seconds and upstream(against the pool current) in a pool in exact 60 seconds. The length of pool is 2 kilometers.

How long Donald duck can cover distance of one side at a still pool (with no current).

#23 - Maths Tap Puzzle

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I have an amazing bath tub having both hot and cold water taps.
The cold water tap can fill my tub in 6 hours while cold water tap can fill the tub in approx 4 hours.
I turned them on simultaneously but forgot to close the lid which remove water out of tub.
The lid can empty the tub in exact 13 hours.

Since both taps are open along with the lib , can you estimate the time needed to fill the bath tub ?

#24 - New Year Math Puzzle

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A man drive his car to the office at 20miles/hr.
After reaching office, he realize that its a new year holiday so he went back home at a speed of 30miles/hr.

Discounting the time spent in the stoppage what was his average speed of his journey ?

#25 - Hour Glass Logical Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I have two sand hour glasses:
1. A 7 minute one and
2. An 11 minute one.

Using just these 2 sand hour glasses, how can i measure time as 15 minutes ?

#26 - Maths Pipe Time Brain Teaser

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A large petrol tank has two inlet tubes (a large one and a small one) and one outlet tube. It takes 3 hours to fill the tank with the large inlet tube. On the other hand, it takes 6 hours to fill the tank with the small inlet tube. The outlet tube allows the full tank to be emptied in 9 hours.

What fraction of the tank (initially empty) will be filled in 0.64 hours if all three tubes are in operation? Give your answer to two decimal places (e.g., 0.25, 0.5, or 0.75).

#27 - Tricky Distance Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Two villages owlna and kathur are exactly 2000 km apart.

Pramod leaves City "owlna" driving at 50 km/hr and Anmol leaves City "kathur" a half an hour later driving 90 km/hr. Who will be closer to City "owlna" when they meet?

#28 - Clock Series Puzzle

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based on previous watches, what time should the last watch show ?

#29 - Crossing The River In Minimum Time Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Four people need to cross a dark river at night.

* They have only one torch and the river is too risky to cross without the torch.
* If all people cross simultaneously then torch light wont be sufficient.
* Speed of each person of crossing the river is different.cross time for each person is 1 min, 2 minutes, 7 minutes and 10 minutes.

What is the shortest time needed for all four of them to cross the river ?

#30 - Unlock The Distance Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Distances from you to Man united is written below.

CHELSEA and ARSENAL are 700 kms away
SPURS 1800 kms away
WOLVES 200 kms away

Based on the system , How far should it be to MANCITY ?

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