If you really want to exercise your brain, then you have landed on the right page

#481 - Complete Hexagon Number Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Using the number from 2 to 20, Can you need to completely fill the figure below with two rules?

Rule-1: Difference between two adjacent number in hexagon should be more than 4
Rule-2: The number inside yellow hexagon must be prime.

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#482 - Replace

Difficulty Popularity

Can you replace the "?" with the correct 3 letters?

voN luJ ? raM beF
category : SERIES

#483 - Soccer Point Table Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

For Charity, five teams were competing where they face each other exactly once. After the tournament, the following is the point table.

Chelsea 6
Tottenham 5
ManCity 4
Arsenal 2
Liverpool ?

How many points did Liverpool end up with?

category : LOGIC | MATHS

#484 - 8 + 8 = 91 Trick Teaser Equation

Difficulty Popularity

Below equation is true.

8 + 8 = 91

How ?

#485 - Football 2014 World Cup - The Pots Quiz Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You need to pick one entry from potA and one from potB to have a perfect match.
Can you do it?

This will test your football knowledge of 2014 football world cup.

category : LOGIC

#486 - Children Age Football Count Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

At a local club party at Chelsea club house, four ladies were there with their four children who aged 1, 2, 3 and 4. Also, these children have one, two, three and four footballs with the different order.

We know the below facts:
Aina has more footballs that his age.
Kalas is older than Zouma.
One child has the same number of footballs as his age.
Ake has fewer footballs than Kalas.
Child aged 3 has two footballs.

Ake is the youngest.

Can you determine the age of the children and the number of football they have?

category : MATHS

#487 - Connect Nodes Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you connect the nodes between them based on the value of the node?

Note: Inside the first node there is a value of 1 which means that this node is connected to just one node

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#488 - What Animal Am I Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What jumps when it walks and sits when it stands?

#489 - Mosquito Vs Fly - Comedy With Kapil Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What is the difference between a fly and a mosquito?

Note: This stupid riddle was asked in "Comedy With Kapil".

category : HUMOUR

#490 - Tricky Maths Expression

Difficulty Popularity

By using the numbers 8,5 1 and 1 exactly once and with the help of basic operation (+, -, /, *), Can you form an expression with a value of 10?

Note: Parentheses are allowed
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#491 - Hard Maths Cryptic Picture

Difficulty Popularity

Based on the picture below, what is the value of xxx =?

#492 - Akbar Birbal - Eat Drink and Burn Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

To tease, King Akbar told his most clever advisor Birbal to give his daughter one thing that she can eat when hungry, drink if she feels thirsty and can burn if she feels cold. King Akbar was shocked when Birbal gave Akbar's daughter one such thing that satisfies all of the above.

What did Birbal give to Akbar's daughter?

#493 - Detective James Gordon - Code Breaking Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Detective James Gordon needs to access a secret door that can be accessed only by a code. The code is about 7 characters and consists of numbers and alphabets. There was a picture just above the door as shown below with the text "You force heaven to be empty".

Can you help Detective James Gordon to break the code?

category : LOGIC | CIPHER

#494 - Next Shape Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which shape will follow next?

#495 - Find The Hidden Women Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the women hidden in the picture below?

category : PICTURE

#496 - Bus Driver North Direction Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

It's icy and cold morning in the Brighton.

Mr. Draxler, a school bus driver arrived to pick the kids from the last stop. Draxler suddenly remembers that he needs to pick one more student 2km to the north. Mr. Draxler lost his compass, but minutes later he able to deduce that he is moving in the right direction i.e. north.

How did he know he is moving in the right direction?

category : LOGIC

#497 - Jigsaw Game Of Death Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Jigsaw forced Mahrez and Vardy to play the game of death.
Jigsaw placed 11 marbles at the table and asked Mahrez and Vardy to pick marble(s) one by one with the following rules:
1. You need to pick at least one marble.
2. You can't pick more than five marbles.

The one that picks the last marble will die.

Mahrez to start the game.

How many marbles must Mahrez pick in order to make sure that he came out from the game alive?

category : LOGIC

#498 - Tricky Equation To Solve Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

29 - 1 = 30
9 - 1 = 10
14 - 1 = 15

Based on above logic, can you prove that
11 - 1 = 10 ?

#499 - Detective Edgar Murder Mystery Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

After the football match, Kante Costa Luiz Michy and Moses went for a sauna where they can't see each other.
Suddenly Kante noticed blood in his hand and he shouted and the steam was switched off and they noticed Michy was dead.
Detective Edgar was called and all the suspects about the things they bring with them to the sauna.
Kante: A beer in a plastic Mug.
Costa: Just a Thermos
Luiz: A Sherlock Holmes book.
Moses: A Rope

Detective Edgar instantly arrested the killer. Who is the killer?

category : MYSTERY

#500 - Always Ahead Who Am I Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I am always ahead of you. You want but cannot see me. Who Am I?

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