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#621 - Car Moving Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In which direction car is moving?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#622 - 7 Matchsticks Triangles Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

By adding just 2 matchsticks, can you have 7 triangles in the picture below?

Note: As you can see there are no triangles in the picture and you may not need to add matchsticks on the same surface.

#623 - 100 Display Calculator Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you bring the number 100 on the calculator display screen with honoring three important rules:
Rule1: Memory keys are not allowed.
Rule2: It should be the basic calculator.
Rule3: Only three unique buttons are allowed.

#624 - Value of x Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

If 77x = 189x = 345x.

What is the value of x?

#625 - Dog And The Delivery Guy Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

The clever delivery guy went to Alice home to deliver the packet but suddenly he notices a mighty dog who was fastened to a tree and the chain is long enough that it allows the dog to reach the main gate.
How can the delivery guy reach the main gate to allow him to deliver the packet?

category : LOGIC

#626 - Fenced Horses Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

As shown in the image, the nine horses are square fenced. By constructing just two square fences can you make sure that two horses cannot meet each other without crossing the fence?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#627 - 99 > 100 Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

When is 99 more than 100?
category : TRICK

#628 - DW27-UL33-GO2 Number Series Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you complete the Number Series below ?

category : SERIES

#629 - Matchsticks Equation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you make the below matchsticks equation true by moving exactly three matchsticks?

category : MATHS | EQUATION

#630 - The Circus Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Two deaf and dumb guys Hazard and Pedro went to the Wembley circus. The entry fee of the circus is 1/2 a dollar i.e 50 cents.
Hazard gave the ticket guy a dollar and without even looking at him, he gave the Hazard two tickets.
How does ticket booth guy know that Hazard needs two tickets and now one?

#631 - Who Am I Tear Apart Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I am soft and cuddly that sooth your heart. But, If you pick my last name I am going to tear you all apart. Who am I?

#632 - Find The Missing Number Sequence Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In his mathematics activity class, Andy was asked the question attached with the picture.

Can you solve it on behalf of Andy?

category : SERIES

#633 - Who Am I Picture Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Who Am I ?

#634 - Phone And The Charger Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which the right charger for the phone?

category : PICTURE

#635 - Fernando + Alonso + McLaren = 6 Equation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity


Fernando + Alonso + McLaren = 6

Fernando x Alonso = 2

Alonso x McLaren = 6


McLaren x Fernando =?

category : MATHS | EQUATION

#636 - MatchSticks Number Series Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the next number in the matchsticks number series below?

category : PICTURE

#637 - Rashid' s Buffaloes And His Son Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Rashid, father of 9 sons got 81 buffaloes labeled as 1,2,3,4..... 81. The beauty of the label is such that the buffalo with label-1 gives 1-liter of milk, buffalo with label-2 gives 2-liters of milk..... Buffalo with label 81 gives 81-liters of milk, Rashid wants to distribute his 81 buffaloes among all his sons such that each of them gets the same number of buffaloes and the same quantity of milk.

Can you help him?

category : LOGIC

#638 - Chess Rebus Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What does the below chess rebus mean?

category : REBUS | PICTURE

#639 - Alibaba 40 Thieves Logical Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Alibaba was running from 40 thieves. Alibaba has got 3 gold boxes which weigh as 4kg, 2kg, and 1kg respectively. A witty man asked Alibaba to stay with him for seven days in exchange for 1kg gold per day. Alibaba needs to stay there for seven days and also do not want to give the witty man any advance.

How can Alibaba pay in his seven days stay?

category : LOGIC

#640 - Who are We Tennis Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

We are the five little gems of an everyday sort and all can be find in a Tennis Court.
Who are we?

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