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#661 - Three Bags With Wrong Labels Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There are three bags which are labeled as $100, $150 and $200.
One bag contains two $50 bills.
The second bag contains one $50 bill and one $100 bill.
The third bag contains two $100 bills.
Note: All bags are labeled incorrectly. What is the minimum number of bags you must check in order to label all bags correctly?

category : LOGIC

#662 - Family Party Distance Time Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Mr. Devil was going to a family party on his new car. It's was a fine ride but after traveling for 2 hours, the car gets a puncture. It took Mr. Devil 10 minutes to change the tire. The remaining journey Mr. Devils travels ar 30km/hr.
Mr devil reaches party 30 minutes late. Mr. Devil told the rest family that he got a puncture and that's why he is that late. If he doesn't get the puncture that he will be later by only 15 minutes.

How much distance Mr. Devil traveled?
category : MATHS

#663 - Car Maze Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Which pit stop will the car reach?

1. Pit Stop A
2. Pit Stop B
3. Pit Stop C
4. Pit Stop D

category : PICTURE

#664 - Day Of Week What Am I Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You can found be large on Saturday and Sunday.
You can found be small from Tuesday to Thursday.
I am invisible on Monday and Friday.

What am I?

#665 - Famous Movie / Tv Character Rebus Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Below rebus identifies one of the most favorite tv/movie character.

Can you name it?

category : REBUS | PICTURE

#666 - BIrd Camping Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Mr.Smith sees a very rare bird named "Ruppell's vulture". Soon Mr. Smith was dead.

Can you explain?
category : TRICK | MYSTERY

#667 - Camping What Is It Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

It's the first thing you need while camping.
It's always with individuals named Costa Marcos and Oscar.
But Hazard Luiz and Willian thinks it's useless and doesn't need it.
It's the second to the last thing to add when you are making a sauce

What is it?

#668 - Most Popular Cryptarithms Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve below Cryptarithms puzzle by replacing letters by number to form below equation true?

category : MATHS | EQUATION

#669 - Unpopular Vegetable Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There is a vegetable that is very unpopular on the boat. Can you name it?
category : HUMOUR | TRIVIA

#670 - Warden Prisoner Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Warden told the prisoner that if he told a lie then he will be hanged and if he told the truth then he will shoot him.

What can prisoner say to save him?
category : STATEMENTS

#671 - Rock Group Cannot Sing Trivia Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I know a rock group of four men that do not sing. Do you?
category : HUMOUR | TRIVIA

#672 - Hardest River Crossing Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

James Bond organizes an island party. Following are the people in the party
1. The organizer: James Bond
2. James Bond 2 supermodels: Madeleine and Lucia
3. The Richest Businessman of the town: Blofeld
4. Blofeld's 2 secretaries.
5. Mr. Hinx and his Secret Diary.

They all need to cross the river to reach the island, however, James Bond has got just one boat. Following are some rules

Rule-1 : The capacity of the is two persons.
Rule-2 : Blofeld's secretary won't stay with James Bond without Blofeld.
Rule-3: Madeleine and Lucia won't stay with the Blofeld without James Bond.
Rule-4: Mr. Hinx would never leave the Secret Diary alone.
Rule-5: Secret Diary counts as a person.
Rule-6: Only James Bond, Blofeld or Mr. Hinx can drive the boat.
Rule-7: The two supermodels Madeleine and Lucia won't stay with the Blofeld without James Bond;
Rule-8: Secretary won't stay with James Bond without their Blofeld. Rule-9: Mr.Hinx won't leave the Secret Diary alone.
category : LOGIC

#673 - Hidden Animal Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find and name the animal hidden in the picture below ?

category : PICTURE

#674 - Tricky Alphametic Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Can you replace each letter with the number (1 - 9) to make all equation correct ?

AB - C = DE / F = GH * I
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#675 - Decode Chemistry Teacher Favorite Movie Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

When I asked my chemistry teacher what's her favorite English movie, then she replied with the strange name "Indium Cerium Platinum Iodine Oxygen Nitrogen" .
Ten seconds later I realize her favorite movie. Do you ?

category : LOGIC | CIPHER

#676 - Replace Number In Shape Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you replace the X (both small and big x) with the numbers between 1 to 19 such that all the rows of 3 numbers between X (big x) sum to 23 ?

category : MATHS | EQUATION

#677 - Scofield QuickFire Family Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Mrs. and Mr. Scofield have five sons and each son have one sister.
How many people are there in the Scofield family ?
category : LOGIC

#678 - Indiana Jones Direction Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Indiana Jones was on the treasure hunt search and found the below picture on the way which is pointing to the direction towards the treasure.

In which direction should he move?

category : PICTURE | CIPHER

#679 - Trick Roman Equation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity


II - IV + IX = 200
VI + I - V = 100
II - VI + VII = 150

VII + II + III = ?
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#680 - Funny Banyan Tree Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What did the banyan tree wear on the pool party ?
category : HUMOUR

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