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#1021 - Calculate Floor Bias Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A 51% tail bias coin is used to toss a 52% bias for head in order to get fair result.

In such situation, can you calculate the bias of the floor?

#1022 - Picture Cipher Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Solve the picture cipher

category : REBUS | PICTURE

#1023 - Number Series Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

The following numbers are written with a specific pattern. Can you find the next three digits?

4, 6, 12, 18, 30, 42, 60, 72, 102, 108, _, _, _
category : SERIES

#1024 - what will come in place of the question mark

Difficulty Popularity

1 3 5
2 4 ?

Do you know what will come in place of ?

We must tell you that its not 6.
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#1025 - Matchsticks 5008 Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You can find that the number 5008 has been formed using a few matchsticks. If we allow you to move two matchsticks, what is the highest number that you can form ?

#1026 - Answer Fast Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A row of ants comprised of 102 ants. A man walked upon it and all except 42 were crushed beneath his foot.

How many ants are left alive?
category : TRICK

#1027 - Simple Maths Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

The cost of a notebook is 6 rupees and that of a notepad is 5 rupees. How many notebooks and notepads can you buy with a total of 32 rupees?
category : MATHS

#1028 - Easy Picture Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve the picture rebus below ?

category : REBUS | PICTURE

#1029 - Which Coins Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Nalini had six coins in the pocket of her jeans. It was a sum of Rs. 1.15.

When she was asked by a shopkeeper for change, she was unable to give change for a rupee and five paisa.

Which coins did she have?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#1030 - How Many Containers Maths Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Auneha can easily place six big jars or nine small jars in a big container.

How many containers will she need to place 66 jars in total?
category : MATHS

#1031 - Missing Bus Passengers Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A tunnel approaches on the route of a bus loaded with people. The tunnel is pitch black and when the bus exits from the other end; no single person is present in the bus.

How can this be possible?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#1032 - Folding Options Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You can find an open cube in the given picture. Can you find out which of the given options will be formed if we fold the cube ?

category : PICTURE

#1033 - I Dont Break Law Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Anil is learning to drive his new car. He went down in a one way lane and in the wrong direction.
Strangely he do not break any law.

How come ?
category : RIDDLE

#1034 - Measure Water Supply Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

You had an infinite supply of water and a 5 ml and 3 ml gallons.

How would you measure exactly 4 ml in least number of steps ?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

#1035 - A Paradox Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Outside a tattoo artist shop there is a board that reads "I make tattoos on only them who do not tattoo themselves".

Reading above statement, does the tattoo artist tattoo himself ?

#1036 - What question did I ask

Difficulty Popularity

I went out to a popular tourist destination one morning. I spent the entire day there asking the same question to everyone I came across. Though I met around 1000 people, everybody had a different answer to the question.

What question did I ask?
category : LOGIC

#1037 - Faq Geography Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I am somewhere, where if i stand up straight, i might be considered sideways ?
category : TRIVIA | SCIENCE

#1038 - Relationship Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

On a sunny day, two fathers and two sons decided to go fishing. After an hour, each one of them was able to catch 1 fish. Then, they returned home and placed all the three fishes in a vessel.

How come they had only three fishes in total?
PS: No fish was lost or eaten by them.
category : LOGIC

#1039 - Find Who Am I Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I'm a five letter word who is under you.
Remove the first letter and I'll come above you.
Remove the second letter and you will find me all around you.

Who am I?

#1040 - Number Wheel Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In the number wheel in the picture, you can find several digits except one question mark.

Can you find the digit that should be placed in place of that question mark?

category : SERIES | PICTURE

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