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#1121 - Easy Measuring Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A recipe requires 15 minutes to cook. You have a 7 minutes hourglass and an 11 minutes hourglass with you. How will you measure 15 minutes using them?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

#1122 - Rebus Brain Bat Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity


The above BRAIN BAT means 'slow down'.

Can you find out the meaning of the following BRAIN BAT?
category : REBUS

#1123 - Statement Killer Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Xack 'The Knife,' the ill-famed tough guy, was found murdered on a particular night in a pathway behind the discotheque he frequently visited. The police brought in three suspects on the next morning. A detective was called who interrogated the three men and noted down the following statements given by the suspects.

1. I did not kill Xack.
2. Morgan is not my friend.
3. I knew Xack.

1. I did not kill Xack.
2. Richard and Travis are friends of mine.
3. Richard did not kill Xack.

1. I did not kill Xack.
2. Richard lied when he said that Morgan was not his friend.
3. I do not know who killed Xack.

One of them has actually killed Xack 'the knife'. Can you find out who is the killer?

#1124 - Fill Missing Number Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A number is missing from the number series below.

Can you find it ?

84, 155, 258, ? , 584, 819.
category : SERIES

#1125 - Family Relation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Alpha is the father of Beta and Delta is the son of Gamma. Epsilon is the brother of Alpha and Epsilon has a daughter Zeta. In addition, Gamma is the sister of Alpha.

Can you find the relation between Zeta, Beta and Delta ?

#1126 - Funny Boy Police Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A police officer got out of his patrol car and saw a boy. He walked up to him asked him, "What's your name?"

"Shut up!" the boy replied innocently.

"Where's your manners?" asked the insulted police officer.
"Up that tree," said the boy nonchalantly, pointing to a proximate tree.
"You're seeking for trouble, aren't you?" said the police officer.
"No, trouble's seeking for me!" the boy replied sincerely.

What is happening here?
category : HUMOUR

#1127 - Who Am I

Difficulty Popularity

You can get into me quite easily but you can't get out of me without facing extreme difficulties.

Who am I?
category : WHAT AM I

#1128 - Switch Chances Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

You are sitting in front of your interviewer. He gives you three envelopes. One of them contains an offer letter and the other two are empty. You pick up one of them. Now, the interviewer opens up one of the envelope lying on the table and you find out that it is blank.

Now, he gives you a chance to switch your envelope with the one on the table. Would you switch it? Why or why not?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#1129 - Weird Stupid Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Is it possible to make an LED tv, a laptop, a cat and a washing machine liquid?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#1130 - Popular Third What Word Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

The common thing between three particular identical words in English language is that they end with 'g', 'r' and 'y'. Two of those words are hungry and angry.

The third word is something we make use of every day.

Do you know what that word is?
category : WHAT AM I

#1131 - Snowflake Triangles Count Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Find the number of triangles in the snowflake picture ?

#1132 - Akbar Birbal Court Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A man was brought to Akbar's court and he found the man guilt of a little offense. HE decided to punish the man and asked him to make a statement. If the statement is held true by Akbar, the man will be killed by hanging him to death and if the statement is held false, the man will be killed by giving poison.

The man was confused. He did not know what to say. Therefore, he looked at Birbal and asked for suggestion. Birbal thought for a while and decided to help him, as he had not committed a major offense. He told something in his ear and the man then said the statement to Akbar.

After hearing the statement, Akbar could not kill him. What was the statement?

#1133 - Day Of Month Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Rohit was born on March 5, 1970. Mayank took birth 25 days before Rohit. On the year of their birth, the Republic Day was on Monday.

Can you calculate on what day was Mayank born?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#1134 - Interesting Trick Maths Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A pen sells for Rs. 5.50 when sold along with the cap. If the cost of the pen separately is Rs. 5 more than the cap, can you derive the cost of the cap ?
category : MATHS

#1135 - Decipher Text Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Decipher The Below Text

S , D
category : REBUS | CIPHER

#1136 - Short Story Birbal Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Once Akbar challenged Birbal. He asked Birbal to write a line on wall which when read in happy times makes you sad but when read in sad times makes you happy.

What would he have written to satisfy the conditions given by his king?

#1137 - Which number replaces the question mark in circle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you complete the third figure by following the pattern in the previous two figures ?

category : SERIES | PICTURE

#1138 - Trick Contest Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A physically disabled person won a competition. To win, the contestants had to hold something. Then how did the physically disabled person win ?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#1139 - Hardest Decode Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

Can you deocde below rebus ?

category : REBUS | CIPHER

#1140 - Smallest Number Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A number when multiplied by 3 and then subtracted by 2 becomes the reverse of itself. Can you find out which smallest number is that?
category : MATHS

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