If you really want to exercise your brain, then you have landed on the right page

#101 - Fruit Bird Person Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I am a fruit, a bird, and also a person.

What Am I?

category : WHAT AM I

#102 - Easy Which number is missing

Difficulty Popularity

Find Missing Number?

category : MATHS

#103 - How is L greater than XL Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

How is L greater than XL?

category : PICTURE

#104 - Bedroom House Kitchen Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Two In A Bedroom, One In A House, But None In A Kitchen.

What Am I?​

category : WHAT AM I

#105 - What is not right in the picture riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What is not right in the picture?

category : PICTURE

#106 - Which watch is real riddle

Difficulty Popularity

One of these watches is real, and the other is a toy. How can you tell them apart?

category : TRICK | PICTURE

#107 - QuickFire Maths Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

If 21 is added to four times a number, the result is 57.

Then the number is?

category : MATHS

#108 - Time Travel - Future Man Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A man invented the time machine and went to the old era. Can you find which man is from the future?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#109 - I have branches, but I am not a tree

Difficulty Popularity

I have Branches, But no fruit, trunk, or leaves.

What am I?

category : WHAT AM I

#110 - Continue the sequence puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve the sequence?

category : SERIES

#111 - Find the flaw in the picture

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the flaw in the below picture?

category : PICTURE

#112 - Spot three numbers Illusion

Difficulty Popularity

Can you spot three numbers?

#113 - You Enter A Bedroom Viral Facebook Riddler

Difficulty Popularity

You enter a bedroom there are 40 people.
You kill 34.

How many are in the bedroom?

category : LOGIC

#114 - Easy What Is It Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

It's not alive but It grows.
It's doesn't have lungs, but It needs air.
It's doesn't have a mouth, but water kills it.

What is it?

category : WHAT AM I

#115 - People In Church Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

The Bible slipped from a girl's hands and fell on the floor with a loud noise. 20 eyes looked at her.

How many people were in the Church?

category : LOGIC

#116 - Which teacher is dead riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which teacher is dead?

#117 - A Terrorist Kidnapper Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A terrorist planned to kidnap the newborn of a police officer. Look at the picture closely and one of the ladies is a terrorist.

Who is a kidnapper(terrorist)?

category : PICTURE

#118 - Find what's wrong with the picture

Difficulty Popularity

what is wrong with this image?

category : PICTURE

#119 - Best Green Glass Door Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A green glass door in the middle of Chicago. Only certain persons can go through the door.

Lukaku, Jorginho, Arrizabalaga and Werner can go.
Kante, Antonio, Christensen and Silva cant go.

So Can Chilwell go through the door?

category : LOGIC | TRICK

#120 - 2^2^(2 * 0)^2 Maths Viral Equation

Difficulty Popularity

Solve the equation?

2^2^(2 * 0)^2

category : EQUATION

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