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#1281 - Matchsticks Squares Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Can you form three squares by moving just three sticks in the given picture ?

category : PICTURE

#1282 - Simple What Am I Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

My residence is above a star and yet I don't burn
I have eleven friends who do not turn
Never once and never repeatedly,
The only way to visit is in a sequence possibly
If my initials I tell you are PQRS
Can you identify me in this whole mess?
category : WHAT AM I

#1283 - Tennis Funny Quick Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Lucy and Hannah are playing lawn tennis together. They decide to play a set of three. After the sets, both of them win each three sets.

How is this possible?

#1284 - Truth Lie Day Of Week Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Jack and Rose speak lies on some particular days.

While Jack speaks lies on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, Rose speaks lies on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. On all other respective days, they speak truth.

If you know about this behavior, can you find out a day in the week when both of them will say "Tomorrow, I will lie."?
category : LOGIC | RIDDLE

#1285 - Can you solve this murder mystery

Difficulty Popularity

In a house party at night, suddenly the light goes off. A scream is heard and when the lights come back, a guy is dead on the floor. His five friends namely Aman, Anurag, Ajay, Alex and Aditya are shocked to find his dead body in front of them.

The victim before dying managed to write four numbers on the floor with his blood smeared fingers. The numbers are 4, 5, 8 and 11.

Can you tell who killed him?

#1286 - what comes next in this sequence

Difficulty Popularity

Let's find out how sharp your mind is. Let's see if you can find the missing numbers in the series:
192, 021, 222, 324, 252, 627, 2__, 9__?
category : SERIES

#1287 - Counting Triangles in a Figure

Difficulty Popularity

A picture attached with this question shows a formation of triangles. Can you calculate the number of triangles?

#1288 - Science Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A man is trapped on a frozen lake in an isolated region. The frozen surface is frictionless and no grip of any kind can be attained over it. He just has a mobile phone in his pocket but when he takes it out to call for help, he finds out that there is no reception.

There is no wind force that may help him in escaping. What will he do to escape the lake and save himself from freezing to death?
category : SCIENCE

#1289 - Spot The Error Statement

Difficulty Popularity

Spot the error in the following statement.

A taxi stopped outside a mansion at night. Instead of paying money, the passenger hit the taxi driver in the head and killed him. He then took the entire money from the taxi meter and ran inside his mansion. The neighbor saw him committing the crime and informed the police. The police got hold of him immediately.

#1290 - Can You Solve This Math Problem

Difficulty Popularity

On a bright morning, Ashley and Cecilia decided to take out their old cars from the garage and check their speeds. Just to make things for interesting, they decided to race and find out whose car was fast. So they halted their car at the starting point and began with full throttle till the finish line.

When both the car crossed the finishing line, they realized that Ashley's car was 1.2 times faster than Cecelia. Also, Cecelia had reached the finishing line 1 minutes 30 seconds later than Ashley. Ashley's car had reached the finishing line at an average speed of 60 Km/h.

With all this data given, can you find out the total distance between the starting and the finishing lines?
category : MATHS

#1291 - Pictogram Aprill Fool Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Solve the April fools day riddle by telling what does below pictogram tell us

category : REBUS | PICTURE

#1292 - Hard Math Equation

Difficulty Popularity

Can you make the following equation correct by moving merely one line?
5 + 5 + 1 = 546
category : EQUATION

#1293 - Palindrome Number Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There can be myriad ways to create a palindrome. One day, I thought of making my own palindrome. I thought of a number and then decided to add the reversed number to it. Sadly, I did not get a palindrome.

So I kept repeating this step and eventually I succeeded in creating a palindrome. I don't know if you can always create a palindrome using this method but I was able to generate one of four digits.

Can you tell me the number at which I started?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#1294 - Math Problem For High School

Difficulty Popularity

It was raining and a water drop accumulated itself over a leaf. It fell down to another leaf and lost 1/4th of its volume. It then fell off to another leaf losing 1/5th of its volume. After that it fell to another leaf losing 1/6th of its volume. This was process was repeated again and again till the water drop reached the last leaf and lost 1/75th of its volume.

Seeking the facts given in the question, will you be able to determine the accurate percentage of loss in the volume of the water drop when it is on the last leaf from its initial volume?
category : MATHS

#1295 - How Many Triangles Challenge

Difficulty Popularity

You can find an attached picture with this puzzle. Can you find out how many triangles are formed in this figure?

#1296 - Mathematics Sequence Question

Difficulty Popularity

If you are provided that
(78)^9 = 6
And (69)^4 = 11

What will be the result of (89)^2 = ?
category : SERIES

#1297 - Interesting Coin Probability Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A man tosses three coins in the air. When they land, he finds that two of the coins have heads up and one has tails up.

What is the probability that when the coins are tossed again, they will land again with two heads up and one tails up.

Please note that the coins are unbiased.

#1298 - Solve Algebra Equation Problem

Difficulty Popularity


In the above sum, each letter can be corresponded to a number. Following a pattern, you can decode it all and form an actual numeric sum.

For your help, we are providing you with one:
D = 5.
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#1299 - Matchsticks Picture Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In the figure given below, you can see that there are five squares. Supposedly if this figure is formed using different matchsticks (refer the slight gap between matchsticks), can you remove just two matchsticks so that only two squares remain ?

#1300 - Stupid Tricky Question

Difficulty Popularity

What number when divided in half becomes zero ?

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