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#1481 - Tricky Square Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

You have a square paper with you. You can cut it like you want and you have to come up with a Red Cross symbol as shown in the figure. The only thing is that the volume of both figures should be same. Can you do it?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#1482 - Murder Or Suicide Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

On a homicide case, the police is unable to find anything. However, they have five suspects who could have killed the person – Samoa, Richard, Neil, Jenifer and Sia.

Suddenly, an officer notices that there is something written on the calendar. He finds out that they are numbers – 9, 4, 5, 10, 8. He smiles, as he know who the killer is. Do you ?

category : MYSTERY

#1483 - Hard Birthday Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Is it possible that a younger twin brother celebrated his birthday two days before his elder brother?
category : RIDDLE

#1484 - Classic Barber Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

There are two barber shop in a small town – one located in the eastern market and the other on the northern market. The shop in the eastern market is quite untidy and the barber has a shabby haircut. While the shop in the northern market is quite neat and clean and the barber is sporting an excellent haircut himself.

Which of the two shops will any foreign visitor opt for?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#1485 - Crossing Brain Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A cave is going to explode. A family is trapped inside that cave. The only way to get outside is a narrow tunnel. But the tunnel is weak and thus only two people can go at one time. Also, everybody is afraid of going alone.

The father takes one minute to go through till the end, the mother takes two, the son takes four and the daughter takes five. The cave and tunnel will explode in twelve minutes. Can they make it to the other end in that time frame?

PS: Keep in mind that when two people are moving, the total time taken will be as per the slower one.

#1486 - Maths Equation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Place a mathematical symbol between the numerals 5 and 9 in such a way that the resulting number is greater than 5 but smaller than 9.
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#1487 - 3 Gallon Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

You have been given three jars of 3 liters, 5 liters and 8 liters capacity out of which the 8 liters jar is filled completely with water. Now you have to use these three jars to divide the water into two parts of 4 liters each.

How can you do it making the least amount of transfers?
category : LOGIC

#1488 - Math Fraction Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

You have nine numerals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Keeping in mind that you can use one numeral only one time, you have to arrange the numbers above and below the division line in a manner that the resulting fraction is 1/3.

Hint: The numerator will not be starting with either 1 or 2. The denominator will be starting be either 1 or 2.
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#1489 - A Riddle Wrapped In A Mystery

Difficulty Popularity

Two best friends are stuck on an island for days. They have no food left and are starving from many days. Suddenly a fisherman sees them. He pulls his boat closer. Seeking the fate of one of them, he and the guy's best decide to go fishing and find something for him to eat.

After a couple of hours, only the fisherman returns with the salmon that he had prepared. He tells the guy that his best friends had fallen from the boat and drowned. Although the news is shocking and remorseful, due to the unbearable hunger, he eats the salmon.

After being rescued, he goes to a diner and orders salmon. Just after his first bite, he pulls out his gun and kills himself right there. Why did he commit suicide?
category : MYSTERY

#1490 - Tricky Logic Maths Problem

Difficulty Popularity

You are a landscape artist. While redesigning the exterior, the owner of the mansion comes up with an unusual request. He tells you that he wants four trees planted outside his house in a manner that there should be exactly equal distance between all of them.

How will you do it?

#1491 - Simple Logic Question

Difficulty Popularity

A family is having a reunion on the Christmas Eve. For the toast which shall follow with the dinner, they gather around the dining table. There is a grandfather, a grandmother, two fathers, two mothers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two daughters, one daughter in law and one mother in law who shall sit for the toast.

Each one of them requires a separate chair. How many chairs are required?
category : LOGIC

#1492 - Easy Mathematical Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A grandpa called all his grandsons and decided to give them a total of $100 to spend in their vacations. He decided that the elder ones must receive more. So he planned to give a sum to the youngest one and then increase $2 with every elder one.

Can you calculate how much he gave to the youngest one if he gave all and only $100 to them in total?
category : MATHS

#1493 - Math Symbols Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Given with the numbers - 2, 3, 4 and 5, you have to make an equation that is mathematically correct. The challenge is that you can only use two signs i.e. + and =. Also, you can't repeat a number or sign.

How will you do it?

#1494 - Hard Time Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

See to the attached picture with the question. It represents as pocket watch that has been rotated. The colored lines represents the hands of the watch. If you are told that the time is somewhere in the afternoon, can you tell the correct time?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#1495 - Murder Logic Question

Difficulty Popularity

A man killed his wife for he was not sure of her fidelity. He stabbed her on heart with a knife. To cover up his crime, he pushed her body in his car. He drove a few miles and then threw her body in an alley. He carefully wiped his finger prints and threw the knife on the crime scene.

Then, he drove back to his home. After an hour, he received a call from the local sheriff. The sheriff told him that his wife was murdered and that he must reach at the crime scene. But when he reached the crime scene, he was arrested by him.

How did the sheriff know that he was the culprit?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#1496 - Logical Thinking Trick Question

Difficulty Popularity

A round cake is lying at the center table and there are five people who are celebrating. They have to finish the whole cake. Only four people shall make the cut in the cake and the remaining piece will be left for the fifth person. How do they make sure that each of them have 1/5th of the cake exactly to eat?
category : LOGIC

#1497 - Stupid Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Is there any way of making 7 an even?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#1498 - Stupid Trick Question

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find out who was buried in Trojan's tomb?

#1499 - Math Sequence Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Which one letter can you put except 'E' to the following that completes the sequence ?

S E Q U E N C _
category : SERIES | TRICK

#1500 - Trick Math Problem

Difficulty Popularity

You make a cube that is made of 10 x 10 x 10 smaller cubes which sums up to a total of 1000 smaller cubes.

Now, if someone takes one layer of cubes, how many will remain?
category : MATHS

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