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#1521 - Easy Number Series Question

Difficulty Popularity

Find the missing couple of letters in the following series:

AZ, GT, MN, ? , YB
category : SERIES

#1522 - Logic brain teaser

Difficulty Popularity

There is a box in which there are 20 black chocolates and 16 white chocolates. You take out two chocolates at one time. If both are of same type, you add a black chocolate otherwise you add a white chocolate.

You keep repeating like this till there is only one chocolate left in the box. Which type of chocolate will be left in the last?

Also, suppose you begin the same process with 100 black and 93 white chocolates. Which chocolate will be left at last then?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#1523 - Easy Logic Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

There are three tins filled with 100 toffees each of different sizes. Suzie takes all the 100 toffees from one box and hides them in her room. But when her sister looks at the tins, each of them still have 100 toffees.

How is that possible?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#1524 - Hilarious Picture Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Solve :p

category : HUMOUR | PICTURE

#1525 - Sailor Logic Trick Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Two sailors sailing in a ship were standing on the opposite sides of the ship. One was looking at the east and the other was looking at the west. But still, they could clearly see each other.

How can that be possible?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#1526 - Online Spot The Difference Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

If you can find all the ten differences in the given pictures, you are a genius.

category : PICTURE

#1527 - Maths Number Fact Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

The number '7' is the prime followed by a cube.

Is there any other number sharing the same quality?
category : TRIVIA | MATHS

#1528 - Tricky Death Mystery Question

Difficulty Popularity

A man gets his suit torn and he dies after two minutes. He was doing his regular job. What is the possibility?
category : MYSTERY | RIDDLE

#1529 - Photo Riddle Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In the given picture, there is a fly in the wine glass depicted by the sticks. You have to remove the fly from the glass. You can move only two sticks. Also, you can’t touch the fly

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#1530 - Maths IES Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A thief is running after stealing two gold bars from an ancient and sacred temple. The villagers see him running and runs after him. While running, he comes across a rope bridge. There is a warning board on the start of the bridge stating that the rope can only accommodate a weight of 130 pounds.

Now the thief weighs 100 pounds and the gold bars weigh 20 pounds each. But ignoring the warning he just crosses the bridge with both gold bars. He manages to cross safely. How?

#1531 - Civil Service Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

A girl candidate went for an interview. While being asked some aptitude questions, she was suddenly asked by the interviewer, 'What if you wake up one morning only to find out that you are pregnant?'

She was shocked to hear the question and could not reply. Do you think she could have come up with a smart answer?

#1532 - IAS Logical Question

Difficulty Popularity

An old man in the village feels that his end is near. He calls his two sons to discuss about the land he owns and other properties. He tells them to have a race on their horses till the city border. The one with the slower horse will be rewarded with the entire property.

Both of them keep wandering here or there without any result as no one is filling to reach the border. Then they visit the wise man of the village and seek his advice. The wise men tells them something listening to which they jump on the horses and race as fast as they can till the city border.

What did the wise man tell them?
category : LOGIC

#1533 - Hard Maths Expression Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

If you are a genius, you can solve it easily.

Use three 9's in a mathematical expression such that it forms the number one. You are not allowed to divide or multiply them.
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#1534 - Solve My Maths Problem

Difficulty Popularity

A wealthy man once decided to donate money to all the citizens of his area. He decided to give $60 to women and $45 to the men. But out of the 3552 people, only 1/9 of men and 1/12 of women came to receive money.

How much money did he spend in such a scenario?
category : MATHS

#1535 - Funny Ias Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

A candidate had appeared in an interview in a renowned company. While answering the question, he became quite nervous. The interviewer was generous and he ordered coffee for him. He kept the coffee before him. Before the candidate could take a sip, he was asked by the interviewer 'What is before you?'

He smiled and replied 'Tea'. The interviewer hired him immediately. Why?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#1536 - Worlds Hardest Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A mastermind organized a quiz competition in which six selected candidates were invite namely James Hunt, Ruxandra Bar, Sophia Connors, David Finch, Fred Odea and Brian Miller. A 'special puzzle' was asked to all of them. The first one to answer it was promised for a big award.

After that, the candidates were offered the meal before the mastermind stood up to announce the much awaited result. He started announcing:

'Ok now everybody!'
'The winner of…..'
'The Hardest Riddle Ever Event.'

And then he smiled. All the candidates understood who won.

Do you know who won ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#1537 - Escape Room Maths Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There are four people in a house. A fireman, an athlete, an old woman and a drunk guy. The house catches fire and before the fact is known, it is too late. All they know is that the entire house is in flames and it will collapse exactly after twelve minutes. Now they can move out of the house but for that, they will have to pass the hallway which is entirely blazing with flames. Thus to move, one must carry a fire extinguisher to keep the flames away. Seeking the burnt wooden floor, only two person can run through that hallway at one time. But for others to go, one must return back with the fire extinguisher.The fireman, is trained for such tasks and can run through the hallway in a minute. The athlete can make it in a couple of minutes. The old woman can run slowly and will cover the hallway in four minutes. The drunk guy will take five minutes to run through it. If all of them can make it through the hallway in twelve minutes, all of them will be saved. When two move together, they will run with the speed of the slower one.

How will all four of them manage to run to safety?
category : MATHS

#1538 - What Am I Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

What comprises of five hands (or more) without being declared as an abnormal creature?
category : WHAT AM I

#1539 - Good Science Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Suppose there are two cogwheels in a box. The bigger wheel has twenty four teeth while the smaller one has eight. The bigger one is firmly attached on the center of the box (so it can’t turn or move) and the smaller one rotates around it.

Can you tell the number of times it will turn around the big one when comparing with the box when it turns once?
category : LOGIC | SCIENCE

#1540 - Unique Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

It takes ten minutes to fry a steak (five minutes for each side). You are frying the steaks in a pan that can accommodate only two steaks at one time. What is the least amount of time by which you can fry all the three steaks you have?

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