If you really want to exercise your brain, then you have landed on the right page

#1901 - Water Gallon Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There are 3 gallons A B C.

Gallon A having max capacity of 8 liters is currently filled with 5 liters of Water.
Gallon B having max capacity of 5 liters is currently filled with 3 liters of Water.
Gallon C having max capacity of 3 liters is currently filled with 2 liters of Water.

How can you measure 1 liter of Water in minimum number of steps ?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

#1902 - Tricky Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Solve this picture riddle

category : PICTURE

#1903 - Riddle for Kids

Difficulty Popularity

What comes once in a minute , twice in a moment but never in a thousand years ?
category : RIDDLE

#1904 - Rebus Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

What word does this text rebus means ?

meta meta
meta meta
category : REBUS

#1905 - Simple Gallon Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

We have two buckets of 3 liter and 5 liter.

Assuming there is an infinite supply of water , how can i measure 1 liter water ?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

#1906 - What Is It Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

It can sizzle like bacon,
It is made from an egg,
It has plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg,
It peel layers like onions, but still remain whole,
It can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole.

What is It ?
category : WHAT AM I

#1907 - Science Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What Deficiency below rebus represents?

category : REBUS

#1908 - Maths Tap Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

I have an amazing bath tub having both hot and cold water taps.
The cold water tap can fill my tub in 6 hours while cold water tap can fill the tub in approx 4 hours.
I turned them on simultaneously but forgot to close the lid which remove water out of tub.
The lid can empty the tub in exact 13 hours.

Since both taps are open along with the lib , can you estimate the time needed to fill the bath tub ?

#1909 - What Word Am I Looking Of

Difficulty Popularity

I am thinking of a word that change both gender and number when i add the letter 'S'.

What Word Am I Thinking of ?
category : WHAT AM I

#1910 - what word am i problem

Difficulty Popularity

I am as light as a feather, yet the strongest person not able to hold me for more than two minute.

What am I ?

#1911 - Funny Rebus Problem

Difficulty Popularity

What Does this funny rebus represents ?

5Q + 5Q
category : HUMOUR | REBUS

#1912 - Nice Death Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

My grandmom told me a story "

Once a father and his 3 sons lives in a village. One day the father met with a terrible accident , so death comes to take the father. Oldest son begs to the death to let his father live for some years, death was kind and so agreed.

After an year and half death returned back to take away the father with him.Second son beg and so death agreed and grant him some more time.

After 6 months death returned again to take the father.
Now the youngest son request to allow his father to live till the candle wick of the candle on his hand burned out.Death agreed.

Now as the youngest son thought , the death never returned back.
How come ?

#1913 - New Year Math Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A man drive his car to the office at 20miles/hr.
After reaching office, he realize that its a new year holiday so he went back home at a speed of 30miles/hr.

Discounting the time spent in the stoppage what was his average speed of his journey ?

#1914 - Hard Rebus Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

What does this rebus puzzle means ?

category : REBUS | PICTURE

#1915 - Solve This Maths Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A man died and leaves $10,000 in his will. There are 6 beneficiaries of his will - his 3 sons and their wives. The 3 wives receive $3,960 of which angelina gets $100 more than catherine and kate gets $100 more than angelina. Of the sons, mendes gets twice as much as his wife, douglas gets the same as his wife, and brad gets 50% more than his wife.

Who is married to whom ?
category : MATHS

#1916 - Humor Question

Difficulty Popularity

Two things we cannot have in dinner.

what are they ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#1917 - Cricket Rebus Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Which cricket term does this rebus means ?

category : REBUS

#1918 - what word am i looking for

Difficulty Popularity

I know a seven letter word which we used very often.
Letter five six and seven increases every year.
Letter three and four are the same.
Letter three two and five covers about seventy percent of the world.

what word am i looking for ?
category : WHAT AM I

#1919 - Rebus Word Problem

Difficulty Popularity

What does this rebus means

category : REBUS

#1920 - Maths Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Three alcoholic adults takilu whisku and Rumu got some liquor.
takilu gave whisku and Rumu as many liquor as they already had.
Then whisku gave takilu and Rumu as many liquor as they already had.
Finally Rumu gave whisku and takilu as many liquor as they already had.

Now each of them have 24 liquor.

How many liquor they had originally ?
category : MATHS

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